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To A New Level

You won’t find a better way to learn video production, podcasting, or postproduction anywhere.
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When you learn at BAVC Media, you’re in good company.

BAVC Media trains people like you to use creative tools and platforms from Video Production to Adobe After Effects to Audio Post Production. We believe in project-based learning and have decades of experience helping our students change careers, jumpstart their passion projects, and gain the skills and confidence they need to bring their creative ideas to life.

Because our classes are capped at 10 students, you’ll get personalized instruction and attention from our instructors, who are all working professionals. You’ll be able to work through hands-on exercises, get your questions answered and even participate in networking (if you want). Our online, live classes are like nothing else out there on the web. You’re not learning in a void and you’re not part of a massive class.

What’s more, your tuition directly supports BAVC Media’s programming that helps foster a more diverse, equitable, and vibrant media landscape. Unlike learning at for-profit training centers, when you take a class at BAVC Media, you’re investing in yourself, the community and in independent media — not corporate profit.
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